Pursuant to the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, manufacturers, importers and private labelers must issue certificates of conformity for all products manufactured after November 12, 2008 that are covered by a ban, rule, regulation or standard under an Act enforced by the CPSC. Hallmark's certificates of conformity are based on reasonable testing programs, and, where required, third party testing as indicated on the certificates.

Please enter a stock number below to search for available certificates, without spaces or dashes. The stock number generally is composed of a three or four digit number, followed by a series of numbers (for example " 499 CNG 303-2"), although sometimes the first series of numbers will be omitted (for example "AMB 234-5"). The stock number is not the number on the bar code.

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Amendments to the California Metal-Containing Jewelry Law require a manufacturer or supplier of jewelry sold or offered for sale in California provide a certification that its jewelry complies with the lead and cadmium restrictions in the Metal-Containing Jewelry law to a person selling or offering to sell that jewelry. The Jewelry Certificate of Compliance certifies that covered jewelry products do not contain lead or cadmium in excess of the limits outlined in the California Metal-Containing Jewelry Law.

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